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myADHD.com News May 15, 2004
In this issue of MyADHD.com News we are partnering with ADDitude Magazine to bring you informative articles about ADHD. In each issue of our newsletter look for the free myADHD.com tool that can be viewed online. To view our collection of over 150 assessment, tracking and treatment tools we invite you to register with myADHD.com today. Subscribe to ADDitude Magazine now! |
This Month's Feature Article Courtesy of ADDitude Magazine
Little Miss Diagnosis: Girls with ADHD
by Bob Seay
Barbara sits quietly at her desk in second grade. She isn't talking and she isn't acting out. She also isn't learning anything. Her inattention and inability to focus is apparent every time her teacher asks her a question, which isn't very often. Teachers like interaction; they tend to shy away from vacuous stares. Kids like Barbara are often overlooked in the classroom, passed over in favor of the kids who are able to "keep up" with what's going on.
Barbara's brother, on the other hand, gets lots of attention. Diagnosed AD/HD when he was in second grade, he has a reputation for being a bright kid, even if he is hyperactive. Treatment for his AD/HD has helped him be a better student and has improved his ability to play with other kids. He has some behavior problems, but his natural charm keeps him from getting into too much trouble. Still, his teachers say that they can immediately tell if Kaleb has missed his medication. "It makes all the difference in the world," says his third grade teacher. "For Kaleb, medication has been a lifesaver." Meanwhile, Barbara is drowning in inattention. Miss Diagnosis
Psychiatrists estimate that one in three children with AD/HD is female. Yet, of every ten children referred for AD/HD diagnosis and treatment, only one is a girl. Clearly some of our daughters are falling through the cracks.
Part of the problem is a lack of research. According to Dr. David Rabiner, a psychologist and researcher who works with children who have AD/HD, "one of the important shortcomings of most of the research based information on AD/HD is that the vast majority of studies have been conducted solely on boys, or, have included very few girls in the sample. As a result, the scientific literature on AD/HD is almost exclusively based on male subjects.
The few studies that have included girls may explain why girls like Barbara are so often undiagnosed. Unlike their hyperactive brothers, girls with AD/HD tend to have AD/HD Without Hyperactivity. They don't fidget or squirm or get up to sharpen their pencil every two minutes. Instead, they just sit at their desk and zone out. These girls have the same AD/HD problems of inattention, distractibility and poor impulse control, but few parents, teachers or clinicians ever suspect these girls have AD/HD because they aren't hyperactive.
Girls with AD/HD are also less likely to exhibit disruptive behavior or conduct disorders. Research led by child and adolescent psychiatrist Joseph Biederman, M.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital found that AD/HD girls are only half as likely as the boys to exhibit aggression, yet diagnostic codes still define this behavior as an integral part of the disorder. Disruptive behavior is often what drives parents to seek a diagnosis. Girls are less likely to present these problems, which may be one reason why they are less likely to be diagnosed.
Girls may have fewer behavior disorders, but that doesn't make them immune from other conditions that may accompany their AD/HD. In fact, according to research conducted at Harvard University, 45 percent of AD/HD girls have another serious condition, such as clinical depression and crippling anxiety. Compared to other girls their age, those with AD/HD score lower on IQ and academic tests and are at greater risk of teen pregnancy. And they’re more likely than even AD/HD boys to have trouble with drugs and alcohol.
Finally, the age of onset criteria for AD/HD, which requires that symptoms must be present before age seven, is based on research in males. But symptoms of AD/HD in females often don't emerge until puberty, a time when most kids have emotional ups and downs. Even experienced clinicians may have difficulty distinguishing AD/HD characteristics from normal developmental woes.
Click here for another great article on ADHD from ADDitude Magazine!
Need a Powerpoint Presentation on ADHD? Visit our home page (click on link below) and find the link to a great slide show. What is ADHD? This is a 15 to 25 minute presentation designed to give a quick overview of ADHD to families and adults. Reviews characteristics, causes, treatments, and resources on ADHD. Ideal for busy practitioners who would like to explain ADHD to others.
Subscribers to myADHD.com can now view our newest assessment toolAdult Psychosocial History Form. Collect information about childhood symptoms, current symptoms, educational, medical, and work history. Includes scales for mood disorders and anxiety disorders. To view scale and transmit electronically via your MY CONTROL PANEL just login to your myADHD.com account at myADHD.com.
Visit myADHD.com today, register, and view our collection of over 150 tools to assess and treat ADHD and related conditions in children, adolescents and adults. If you like what you see please consider subscribing to this new web-based service for ADHD.
MyADHD.com and ADDvisor.com invite you to sign up for our next free live ADHD teleconference.
The next teleconference will be held on Wednesday, June 9th, 8:30 - 9:45 pm. This free teleconference entitleed ADHD Assessment and Tracking Tools is presented by Harvey C. Parker, Ph.D., Alan Graham, Ph.D., and Bill Benninger, Ph.D. Fill out this form to the left to reserve your SPOT and we will send you instructions on how to join the teleconference on June 9th. |
Spectacular Opportunity to be online with Dr. Edward Hallowell, author of Driven to Distraction, and many other books. Thursday, May 27th at 9:00 pm. Visit ADD Consults for details on how to register.
For additional articles and resources on ADHD visit these sites:
myADHD.com online library:
A.D.D. WareHouse
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/HyperactivityDisorder (CHADD)
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)
Subscribe to Attention Research Updates for a free newsletter.
myADHD.com news is an e-publication of Health Link Systems, Inc. This publication is sponsored by myADHD.com, A.D.D. WareHouse, and the National Association for Continuing Education. Information presented here is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or other health care professional. Copyright 2004 by Health Link Systems, Inc. For comments or information, please send an email to: info@myadhd.com, subject line: myADHD.com News